Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry (7th Edition)

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Welcome to the electronic version of the Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry (7th edition).

The 7th edition of CESWI, like the previous editions, is a performance based specification which allows Contractors to decide upon their method of working. This new edition has been rewritten to reflect the experience of the UK Water Industry and the contractors since the last edition was published, and includes new standards and working practices, together with new technologies and more sustainable options.

CESWI 7 reflects the water industry's requirement for comprehensive, universal and relevant specifications for civil engineering contracts. It applies in England, Wales and Scotland and remains a valuable foundation document for use throughout the UK Water Industry.

The web based version has been developed by WRc and will allow users to:

  • View CESWI in an easy to use web-based format.
  • Navigate easily to any section or heading.
  • Search the document for key words or clauses within each section.
  • View specific clauses and sections of the document without the need to print the whole document.
  • View any Water Company amendments where available.

The structure of the web-based version of CESWI is similar to that of the hard copy version; the content of both is identical.

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The contents of CESWI 7 are subject to copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of CESWI 7 may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.

© UK Water Industry Research Ltd, March 2011

ISBN 9781898920687